

The FCC's CAF II program focuses on expanding high-speed internet access to millions of consumers who otherwise wouldn't have access. 

Viasat是CAF II的骄傲参与者, 并提供卫星网络折扣计划, 和电话服务(Viasat Voice), to qualifying service areas.

  • Viasat residential and business CAF II Connection 25 plans start as low as $88.99/mo.
  • 生命线可能提供更多折扣(见下文)
  • Residential and business phone service (Viasat Voice) available separately

What is Lifeline?

Lifeline is a federal benefit that lowers the monthly cost of phone or internet service. 语音电话服务折扣是5美元.25/mo.*网上折扣是9美元.25/mo. These discounts are offered in addition to discounted CAF II plan prices. 

Eligible households can only qualify for the internet or Voice Lifeline discount. For example, if you qualify, your household can receive either the Voice discount or the internet discount, but not both. 生命线福利是不可转让的.

如何获得CAF II和生命线的资格

Step #1 View CAF II plans

Visit our service lookup tool and enter your home address to see if Viasat offers CAF II plans in your area. 

Enter your address


Visit Lifeline's National Verifier to see if you qualify for additional discounts (not available for businesses), and if you do, hold onto the authorization code to use when ordering CAF II service plans from Viasat.

Visit Lifeline

Step #3 Order now

If we offer service in your area, you can order an internet plan online or by phone. If you're interested in a Viasat Voice plan or have qualified for Lifeline, please call:


Do you need phone service?

Viasat Voice

Viasat语音电话服务与Viasat的CAF II计划一起提供. Voice is a feature-packed, reliable, 以及通过Viasat卫星网络提供的廉价电话服务. You can order Voice as a standalone service or combine it with your CAF II internet plan offered at a discount. Let us know if you'd like to add Viasat Voice when you call to order service.

使用Viasat Voice家庭电话服务的妇女

Frequently asked questions

All about CAF II

The FCC's CAF II program focuses on expanding high-speed internet access to millions of people who otherwise wouldn't have access. Viasat(通过其子公司Viasat Carrier Services, Inc.), is a proud participant in CAF II 并提供卫星网络折扣计划 and phone service to qualifying service areas.

You can check to see if you are in a CAF II qualifying area by using Viasat's service availability lookup tool at this link, or by calling 1-855-851-7419

If you are a New Customer, you will be required to sign a customer agreement that contains the CAF II addendum with a 1-year contract.

If you are a Current Customer,你将获得一份为期一年的新合同.

Yes, the residential and business CAF II Connection 25 plans are eligible to purchase additional High-Speed Data.

The services currently available to add on to the CAF II plans are EasyCare and Viasat Voice.

At this time, Viasat does not support combining the ACP and Lifeline discounts with CAF II internet plans. 


Lifeline is a federal benefit that lowers the monthly cost of phone or internet service for eligible customers. 它可以作为Viasat的住宅CAF II计划的折扣. The Lifeline discount is available per household only (not per person) and is nontransferable.

符合条件的顾客的折扣是:5美元.仅语音服务每月25美元或9美元.网际网路服务每月25元. 折扣不能合并. 仅限语音的生命线折扣仅在2024年12月1日之前有效. The federal government is eliminating the standalone voice discount for most locations on 12/2/2024.

Eligible households can qualify either online via the government's National Verifier website or via a written application (Oregon residents see below). 有关如何获得资格的更多信息, click here.

You qualify if your income is at or below 135% of the federal poverty level OR you or someone in your household is a participant in one of the following programs: Medicaid, 补充营养援助计划(SNAP), 补充保障收入(SSI), 联邦公共住房援助(FPHA), Veterans and Survivor Pension Benefit OR you are a Tribal lands resident who participates in Lifeline qualifying tribal programs. 

Please visit http://www.lifelinesupport.org/ 在线申请,或致电生命线支持中心 1-800-234-9473

你也可以邮寄申请,打印你的申请表 http://www.lifelinesupport.org/wp-content/uploads/documents/get-lifeline/LI_Application_NVstates.pdf and mailing it, along with your proof of eligibility to USAC, Lifeline Support Center, P.O. 宾夕法尼亚州威尔克斯-巴雷9100号信箱,18773.


Oregon: http://apps.puc.state.or.us/rspf/otapapp.asp


1-800-648-3458 (TTY)

重要提示:一旦您的申请获得批准,请致电 1-855-851-7419 with your application I.D. 确认您的资格.

Yes, the Lifeline discount can be added to an account as long as you have qualified for Lifeline and Viasat is able to confirm your eligibility.

If qualified and you live on federally recognized tribal lands and/or you participate in select tribal programs, you may be eligible for a Link-Up program discount of up to $100 off your Voice installation fees.

Viasat Voice与CAF II计划

Viasat Voice phone service is offered with Viasat's residential and business CAF II plans. For residential plans only, you can order Voice as a standalone service or combine it with your CAF II internet plan offered at a discount. 

对CAF II或生命线的担忧

If you do not believe that Viasat has satisfactorily addressed any concern regarding your service, billing, or account, you have the option to 向当地公用事业委员会提出正式投诉.

说明CAF II和Lifeline的具体信息

Georgia residents

Unresolved complaints concerning Lifeline service can be directed to the Georgia Public Service Commission's Consumer Affairs Unit at 1-404-656-4501 or toll-free at 1-800-282-5813

有关CAF II和生命线的更多信息,请 click here.



Oregon residents

要确定生命线的资格, click here


1-800-648-3458 (TTY)

Pennsylvania residents

联系PA公用事业委员会(PUC), 向消费者服务局(BCS)寻求帮助,解决未解决的问题, 或有关生命线的投诉 1-800-692-7380; or by using the online Informal Complaint Form, which can be found at: http://www.puc.pa.gov/complaints/

Utah residents


P.O. 146751号盒子,盐湖城,犹他州84114-6751

1-801-530-7622 or 1-800-874-0904


有关CAF II和生命线的更多信息,请 click here.

Additional information

Have any questions? Visit our FAQs page

or call 1-855-851-7419 -代理周一至周五上午8点至下午5点.

Viasat motif

*仅限语音的生命线折扣为5美元.每月25美元,直到2024年1月12日. The federal government is eliminating the standalone voice discount for most locations on 12/2/2024. For more details, visit http://www.usac.org/lifeline/resources/program-data/#Census

Viasat Voice: Additional charges for calls to destinations oustide of the United States, 哥伦比亚特区和加拿大,并为目录援助电话. 911 service through Viasat Voice's satellite technology may be limited in comparison to 911 service available through traditional landline telephone carriers.

在停电期间保持Viasat服务正常运行. Learn more about backup battery power.

Service plans through the Connect America Fund - Phase II (CAF II) are provided by Viasat Inc.Viasat Carrier Services, Inc. 提供给符合条件的客户. 销售时可收取一次性标准安装费. 网络或语音需要12个月. minimum service term. 最短服务期限不适用于生命线用户. Equipment lease fee is $15.00/mo. 可能会收取税费和附加费. After 660GB of data usage, Viasat将显著减慢和/或限制互联网服务, 或互联网服务的某些用途, 直至每月计量期结束为止. Speeds and streaming video quality are "up to," will vary and are not guaranteed. 并非所有地区都有服务. 要约可随时更改或撤回. 

Lifeline discount is only available to eligible residential customers with a CAF-II Connection 25 service plan or CAF-II Viasat Voice-Only Connection Plan.